Online Lead Sources to Generate Qualified Real Estate Leads

Most agents aim to transition from being a salesman to an investor position.

However, I'll tell you that remaining as a real estate agent holds much better potential than becoming a passive real estate investor.

In the investment world, you invest your money into real estate and wait for your return on investment (ROI).

But in reality, real estate investments take time and often yield lower ROI compared to investing in marketing for your existing real estate business.

Strong marketing allows you to grow infinitely and employ multiple agents to distribute your workload.

Similar to the risks associated with investing your budget in stocks, funds, bonds, or any other investment methods, there are potential financial losses in the marketing realm, particularly if you lack experience.

In this blog post, we'll guide you on investing in marketing to grow your existing real estate business without risking financial losses in your marketing investments as a real estate agent.

1 - Real Estate Online Lead Generation 101

Many new agents try to avoid marketing and prefer to pay for leads for sale so that they can convert.

They rely on external sources for leads, which may not always be genuinely qualified.

They could be cold and unresponsive to real estate agents, as they also get called by other agents.

Instead, why not create your own lead generation source to generate more qualified leads?

create inbound real estate lead generation source

2 - How to Generate Leads from Online Real Estate Lead Sources

A lead has an intention to buy or sell their home. However, that doesn’t automatically qualify every lead.

The stronger the intention for buying or selling, the more qualified the lead becomes.

We should understand the context of each lead before starting to generate leads from various sources and create an effective way to place an advertisement to engage with them.

generate qualified real estate leads from online sources

3 - What Determines If Leads Are Qualified

Only the source determines whether the lead is qualified or not.

If a lead comes from Zillow, for example, it’s not easy to convert them because they might have already checked other agents as well.

On the other hand, if a lead opt-in for an open house on your website, that means that lead is actually interested in talking with you.

Ultimately, it is all about intention. Leads closer to your sphere of influence tend to be more easily converted.

When I say lead intention, that shouldn’t be ignored. As a matter of fact, the driving force behind increasing your sales lies in the fact that leads originate from your marketing efforts.

4 - Target Audience in Real Estate

The target audience is the exact group of audience you want to reach with your marketing efforts.

In the real estate case, this might include relocators, first-time home buyers, home sellers, luxury home buyers, rentals, real estate investors, retirees, etc.

Why understanding this concept is so important?

When you know who you're trying to reach, you can customize your marketing strategies to fit their needs and preferences.

This means you're more likely to get the attention of people who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer.

And, of course, that can lead to more qualified leads.

4.1 - How to Tailor Your Message to Satisfy Your Target Audience

The first goal is to get their attention. Without having their attention, you can’t start a conversation.

Cold calling is not a great way to get their attention. Instead, providing them with value before the conversation is a great attention-grabber.

We have a more detailed blog post about providing value to your target audience.

For example, first-time home buyers might want to learn about the home buying process, sellers might seek advice on staging their home to increase its value, and investors might need market insights about your local market to make informed decisions.

You need to find solutions for each need to tailor your offer to them.

Having multiple target audiences is even better.

That means you need more lead magnets to satisfy them all, which expands the possibility of reaching more needs and more leads in your market!

Now, let’s discover where to find your target audience to place your value offer in front of them.

generate qualified real estate leads from online sources

4.2 - Real Estate Keyword Targeting

Keywords are the queries that your target audience searches for on search engines such as Google and YouTube, as well as the interests of your target audience on social media channels.

Identifying the keywords before starting advertising is a great way to reach more qualified audiences who are looking for your service.

real estate keyword targeting to generate leads

5 - Common Online Real Estate Lead Generation Sources

Before we get into the tier list, let's provide some context for the common online methods for those who may not be familiar.

Google PPC (Pay Per Click) Ads: These ads appear on top of Google Search page results when you enter your local real estate-related keywords. Requires Lead magnets and CRO-optimized landing pages capable of capturing leads and a budget for advertising.

Organic SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Crafting your target keyword-focused, SEO-optimized, and conversion rate-optimized (CRO) landing pages that appear on the first page of Google search results without paying to stay, unlike Google PPC Ads.

Social Media Ads: These ads appear in the feeds of targeted geographical locations and individuals with real estate interests as they scroll.

Organic Social Media Growth: This entails planning and publishing real estate-related educational content, listings, market information, memes, and behind-the-scenes content that connects with and builds trust among your audience.

Organic YouTube Growth: Similar to organic social media but in an in-depth, long-form video format. Similar to organic SEO, it involves optimizing keywords to appear in YouTube search results.

YouTube Ads: Similar to Google PPC Ads, these appear at the top of YouTube search results when you enter local real estate-related keywords. However, you need a captivating YouTube video to start.

Google Local Services Ads (Google LSA): These ads help you connect with people searching on Google for real estate services in your area. You only pay if a lead contacts you directly through the ad.

6 - The Ultimate Tier List of the Online Real Estate Lead Generation Sources

This ultimate tier list of online lead generation sources is for real estate agents who want to start investing in marketing with a small budget and few networks to maximize ROI quickly and efficiently.

S Tier

Google PPC Ads:
real estate online lead generation source google ads


  • Qualified leads due to being in the search state.
  • Better results every month due to measurement.
  • If you follow the blueprint, you can get your ROI back within the first month.
  • There is no need for credibility or branding; you can start immediately and earn credibility through the process.
  • Real estate marketers can help you determine popular keywords in your market that help you get more leads by targeting keywords with high search volume, lower costs, and less competition.
  • With the help of tracking cookies, achieve a higher visitor retention rate through the use of retargeting ads.


  • Google Ads is a buyer-focused lead generation source; you can't achieve the same results for generating seller leads.
  • Converting lead magnets and conversion setup are required upfront; otherwise, this could result in wasted costs for each click.

Our Comment: If you follow the exact blueprint, leads are interested in looking for solutions for their real estate needs, and you can start with a low budget to generate qualified leads. This is the most efficient method to get your ROI back and then expand your lead generation efforts through other means.

A Tier

Organic SEO:
real estate online lead generation source seo


  • You don't pay for SEO to rank on Google.
  • Permanent lead generation source: You own the space to showcase your offer, unlike renting it as with Google PPC Ads.
  • Evergreen content allows your pages to maintain relevance and attract visitors continuously.
  • Qualified leads due to being in the search state.
  • Generates trust and credibility for your brand.
  • Best organic online source to generate warm buyer, seller, and hot real estate leads due to multiple keyword targeting.
  • Real estate marketers with SEO experience can help you determine popular keywords in your market that help you get more leads by targeting keywords with high search volume, lower costs, and less competition.
  • High-volume keywords could be diversified to create additional pages without extra costs, thereby creating additional lead-generation sources.
  • With the help of tracking cookies, achieve a higher visitor retention rate through the use of retargeting ads.


  • Requires in-depth SEO expertise in the real estate industry to achieve good results.
  • Outsourcing carries a risk depending on the expertise of SEO experts in the real estate industry.
  • SEO is a long game, and it requires time investment.
  • SEO is a slower online source for lead generation compared to Google PPC Ads.
  • Converting lead magnets and conversion setup are required upfront; otherwise, this could result in wasted costs for each click.

Our Comment: Within our all-in-one real estate marketing setup, we already provide an on-page SEO-optimized conversion setup and converting lead magnets. Additionally, as part of our all-in-one marketing service, which covers all expenses, including Google PPC Ads spending, we also offer ongoing on-page and off-page SEO services at no extra cost with guaranteed results.

B Tier

Social Media Ads:
real estate online lead generation source social media ads


  • Best online seller lead generation source due to geographical targeting.
  • Grows your social media followers.
  • Better results every month due to measurement.
  • Real estate marketers can assist you in identifying the buying and selling interests of your target audience. This will boost the reach and engagement of your social media ads while reducing bounce rates, ultimately helping you efficiently generate more leads.
  • With the help of tracking cookies, achieve a higher visitor retention rate through the use of retargeting ads.


  • Not as qualified as leads from Google PPC Ads due to scrolling behavior and not being in the search state.
  • Requires split testing to identify the winning creative for your market.
  • Branding and credibility may impact your ad conversions.
  • Converting lead magnets and conversion setup are required upfront; otherwise, this could result in wasted costs for each click.
  • Seller-focused lead generation source; you can't achieve the same results for generating buyer leads.

Our Comment: This is another top-tier lead generation method, thanks to geographical targeting. It is the most efficient way to generate seller leads. However, due to scrolling behavior and the dependence of ad creatives on changing real estate markets, it carries slightly more risk than Google PPC Ads. If you've already filled your pipeline with buyer leads from Google PPC ads, you can transition to social media ads to generate seller leads as well.

C Tier

Organic Social Media Growth:
real estate online lead generation source social media


  • If you have time, it’s free to start.
  • It grows your audience.
  • It establishes a bond with your audience.
  • It generates trust and credibility for your brand.


  • Requires time and effort to find and create content ideas.
  • Requires consistency and long commitment.
  • Requires additional outsourcing to achieve good results, which is another investment.
  • Organic social media growth is a much slower online lead-generation method than Social Media Ads.

Our Comment: There is a lot of effort involved if you go on your own. Meanwhile, investing in social media marketing agencies to outsource social media growth requires both money and effort. Since you are just starting out, you could use that time and money on faster methods to get your ROI back sooner.

D Tier

Organic YouTube Growth:
real estate online lead generation source youtube


  • Evergreen content allows your videos to maintain relevance and attract viewers continuously.
  • Possibility of repurposing into short-form content for other social media platforms.
  • Gives you qualified leads due to search intention for your local market.
  • Once you have a captivating video with good engagement, you can repurpose it for YouTube Ads.
  • It grows your audience.
  • It establishes a bond with your audience.
  • It generates trust and credibility for your brand.


  • It might be overwhelming to produce long-form content.
  • You need to be comfortable in front of the camera.
  • Requires video editing skills or access to video editors.
  • Requires carefully crafted scripts to connect with viewers.
  • Organic YouTube growth is a slower online real estate lead generation method compared to paid advertising methods and SEO.
  • Requires consistency and long commitment.
  • Requires time and effort to find and create video content ideas.
  • It might require additional outsourcing to achieve good results, which is another investment.

Our Comment: There is a lot of effort involved if you go on your own. Meanwhile, investing in video marketing agencies to outsource Organic YouTube growth requires both money and effort. Since you are just starting out, you could use that time and money on faster methods to get your ROI back sooner.

E Tier

Google Local Service Ads:
real estate online lead generation source google lsa


  • You only pay if a lead calls you.
  • It is the best online paid advertising method for generating hot leads because they search directly for real estate agents.
  • Setting up Google Local Service Ads is very simple; there is no need to outsource.
  • It targets the leads specifically in your local service areas.


  • Leads are very expensive due to their quality.
  • Due to high competition in Google LSA, you need to have a lot of 5-star Google reviews or at least a Google Guarantee badge upfront to achieve better results.
  • Hot leads are already contacted or in contact with other agents; you need to use the hard-sell pitch strategy, which is not good for establishing relationships.
  • Local Service Ads have limited customization options compared to other advertising options.
  • Your ad's performance is largely determined by Google's algorithm, which may not always produce optimal results.
  • Tracking and measuring the performance of Local Service Ads can’t be automated.

Our Comment: The best thing is you pay only if they call you. But these leads are very expensive and most likely actively look or have already looked for other agents as well, and your sales will fail to convert if you don’t have so many positive reviews and sort of credibility on Google, which is not an effective method for starters compared to the above tiers.

F Tier

YouTube Ads:
real estate online lead generation source youtube ads


  • Retargeting possibilities to show the same video to previous visitors.
  • Gives you qualified leads due to search intention for your local market.


  • Ideally, it requires a captivating video with proven good engagement to start, leading to requirements for an organic YouTube approach upfront.
  • Engagement costs are expensive.
  • Requires additional outsourcing to achieve good results, which is another investment.

Our Comment: YouTube Ads require a captivating video with good engagement to start with. That means you must also meet the requirements for organic YouTube growth upfront to start with YouTube Ads effectively. YouTube Ads are not an ideal online real estate lead-generation source when you have just started your marketing.

real estate online lead generation sources tier list

7 - What to Learn Before Starting Investing in Real Estate Marketing

Before initiating marketing, you must consider the following questions sequentially:

  • Is there a need for this offer in my market?
  • Which real estate need has the highest volume to tailor my offer?
  • What is the level of competition to attract my target audience in my market?
  • Which online lead generation source will work best in my real estate market?
  • Is my budget sufficient to start and achieve a return on investment within a month?
  • How can I establish trust with my target audience?

7.1 - Learn the Best Marketing Strategy for Your Local Real Estate Market within Your Budget

We've already invested millions of dollars in gathering the best data and experience.

You don’t have to spend millions of dollars like us; you can skip the testing phase and obtain accurate data specifically for your market for free!

Simply fill out this form so we can better understand the context of your market.

After our marketers audit your submission, we'll provide you with accurate data for each of the 6 elements (Offer - Volume - Competition - Source - Budget - Trust) to help you win your local market competition.

There are no fees or delivery costs to get your local real estate marketing report; it is completely free.

It is also important to mention that online marketing is becoming even more popular among real estate agents due to the positive results they are achieving.

Local market competition and marketing strategies evolve, so the current cost per click (CPC) for popular keywords might not remain the same in the coming months.

It's better to invest now to multiply your ROI sooner, as competition and costs increase each month.

>> Take me to the Form

8 - The Key Metrics to Measure ROI in Real Estate Marketing

If you prefer to go alone, we'll assist you in understanding the most critical real estate marketing metrics before you start investing in your marketing to ensure you avoid losses.

However, remember that we're still just one click away from providing you with a customized, accurate advertisement plan tailored to your market and your services, and it's completely free of charge.

real estate marketing metrics to generate leads

8.1 - Understanding Keyword Planning in Real Estate

Without a proper plan, execution is destined to fail.

It's essential to identify popular keywords that receive more clicks, are not oversaturated, and convert leads cheaply.

Here are the metrics to help you find the perfect keywords to reach your target audience.

8.1.1 - Keyword Volume

In the case of search engines, it refers to how many times a keyword is searched.

In the case of social media, it indicates how many people show interest in a particular topic.

8.1.2 - Keyword Competition

For Google/YouTube ads, this metric refers to how saturated the keyword is, affecting both engagement and the cost per click.

For Google/YouTube SEO, it indicates the difficulty, in terms of the time and effort required, to rank your page/video in the top search results for the queried keyword.

8.1.3 - CPC (Cost Per Click)

In both search engines and social media, it indicates how much you pay for each click.

In the case of social media, costs might be lower, but the traffic may not be as qualified due to users scrolling and not being in a state of immediate interest compared to search engines.

On the other hand, people search on search engines to find their real estate needs with intention behind. That's why the search engine's cost per click is slightly higher than on social media.

8.2 - Understanding Marketing Success Metrics (KPIs) in Real Estate

To determine the return on investment from marketing spending, here is the only metric that matters for real estate agents:

8.2.1 - Conversion Rate

While the conversion rate is critical in every niche, there are two distinct categories within the real estate niche:

real estate online lead conversion process - Visitor Conversion: Lead Magnets

This metric measures the percentage of visitors who become leads when they visit your website. The opposite metric is the bounce rate.

We have a more detailed blog post about the best lead generation strategies using real estate lead magnets, designed to convert website visitors into leads.

>> Generate Buyer & Seller Leads with Real Estate Lead Magnets - Lead Conversion: Lead Nurturing

This metric measures the percentage of leads who become your clients after being nurtured by your marketing efforts.

We have a more detailed blog post about the best lead nurturing strategies to convert real estate leads into actual clients.

>> Real Estate Lead Nurturing: Converting Leads into Clients

8.3 - Understanding Ad Analytics Metrics in Real Estate

To analyze and improve the return on investment from advertising spending, here are the essential metrics that matter for real estate agents:

8.3.1 - Impression

Impression refers to the total number of times your content is displayed, regardless of whether it was clicked or not.

It counts every instance of your content being shown, including multiple views by the same user.

8.3.2 - Reach

This metric represents the total number of unique users who have seen your content.

It measures the potential audience size or the number of distinct individuals who have been exposed to your content.

8.3.3 - Engagement

Engagement, on the other hand, refers to the level of interaction users have with your content, such as likes, comments, shares, clicks, or other actions.

It indicates the level of involvement and interest your audience has with your content.

8.3.4 - Click-Through Rate (CTR)

CTR measures the percentage of users who click on a specific ad compared to the total number of users who view the ad.

It shows how effective an ad is at enticing users to click through to your landing page.

A higher CTR typically indicates that the ad is relevant and engaging to the target audience, while a lower CTR may suggest that the ad needs optimization or is not resonating with users.

8.3.5 - Bounce Rate

The percentage of visitors who land on a webpage or click your ad but leave the site without interacting further, such as filling out a lead form.

This metric can negatively impact ROI if conversions are not effective.

To reduce bounce rates, be sure to review this blog post.

9 - Real Estate Online Lead Generation Best Practices

If you prefer to go alone, we'll assist you in understanding the best practices for real estate online lead generation before you start investing in your marketing to ensure you avoid losses and achieve maximum results.

However, remember that we're still just one click away from providing you with a customized, accurate lead generation plan tailored to your market and your services, and it's completely free of charge.

Real estate lead generation varies significantly across platforms; understanding people’s interests, scrolling behavior, and search intention is crucial before investing in marketing.

Moreover, what people search for on Google may not be the same as what they search for on YouTube.

Additionally, buyer and seller interests and keywords vary from one another.

Based on the data we've collected over the past years, we've created the ultimate guideline for the best practices in generating online real estate leads across various platforms.

These best practices go beyond mere setup manuals found on the internet.

real estate online lead conversion process

9.1 - Why Targeting Warm Leads is Much More Effective Than Targeting Hot Leads in Real Estate

Warm leads are typically buyer and seller leads that are at the start of their journey, making it the perfect time to establish a relationship, and the costs for acquiring these leads are lower.

On the other hand, hot leads may not be familiar with you yet. Usually, they have already been contacted by many agents, and the costs of acquiring these leads are high.

This makes generating hot leads less effective compared to generating warm leads.

9.2 - What to Do Once You Have a Good Flow of Leads

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day but destroyed in a day.

That's why you must gradually expand instead of investing in full force.

After systematizing your current operations, you can only consider exploring further expansion possibilities.

Without a systematic approach, many businesses collapse from over-expanding.

Let’s see the options for scaling your business:

9.2.1 - Expanding Your Real Estate Marketing

Before expanding your marketing reach, ensure you have enough capacity to handle demand.

If your team can handle a high volume of leads, increase the marketing budget accordingly.

When overwhelmed, recruit more agents to distribute leads and grow your team.

Repeat this cycle as needed.

>> Build and Grow an Effective Real Estate Brand and Business

9.2.2 - Expanding Your Real Estate Brand’s Reach

Focus on providing value to your local market through real estate-related content marketing, such as YouTube videos, blog posts, and social media posts, along with reviews and testimonials from past clients.

By focusing on these aspects, you boost your brand's value, leading to higher commission rates and increased credibility in the long run.

9.3 - Google PPC Ads Case

Before investing in Google PPC Ads, know that you'll invest in the most efficient method to multiply your ROI sooner, then expand your lead generation efforts through other means.

Let's explore three different real estate lead-generation scenarios using Google PPC Ads, and it's up to you to decide which method is better.

9.3.1 - Google PPC Ads Buyer Lead Generation

real estate high volume keywords to generate leads

In this scenario, we see how many people search for “homes for sale in Oakland CAmonthly on Google. (6600 + 1300)

And your site will appear at the top of the Google results with Google PPC Ads on this keyword.

For $0.95 Cost Per Click (CPC), you can effectively capture their contact information with the conversion setup.

And you are not limited to one search volume; your ads could be diversified, such as 'Homes for sale in Oakland, CA with Pool’, ‘Open houses in Oakland, CA’, etc.

They also receive frequent searches on Google with a lower CPC (Cost Per Click).

This is how to place your Google PPC Ads to generate leads more efficiently.

9.3.2 - Google PPC Ads Hot Lead Generation

real estate low volume keywords to generate leads

In this scenario, we see how many people search for “Real estate agent in Oakland CAmonthly on Google. (90)

With a Cost Per Click (CPC) of $11.68 and 55 PD, which represents your competition on this keyword, and a search volume of 90 monthly, you will barely generate leads.

The cost for each lead will be high, and your competitors will always be present for this keyword.

This is not a good way to run Google PPC Ads.

9.3.3 - Google PPC Ads Seller Lead Generation:

real estate no volume keywords to generate leads

In this scenario, shown in the screenshot, there's no monthly search volume for local seller intent keywords on search engines.

As a result, investing in generating seller leads on Google PPC Ads would be wasted.

However, there are other online sources for generating seller leads besides search engines.

9.4 - Social Media Ads Case

Let's explore three different real estate lead-generation scenarios using Social Media Ads, and it's up to you to decide which method is better.

9.4.1 - Social Media Ads Buyer Lead Generation

social media ads real estate lead generation

Social media ads are like putting a billboard on the side of a highway.

You place your ad in a restricted geographic area (in real estate, this is a 25km or 15 mi radius) and target (show your ads to) people in that area like a billboard.

You aim to get their attention.

However, we've discovered that social media isn't an effective platform for capturing buyer leads due to their scrolling intent, making them less likely to convert.

Compared to those actively searching for homes with browsing intent, they are more likely to convert.

Additionally, active buyers tend to browse homes on search engines rather than social media, as they have plenty of options available through Google search.

This makes social media ads an inefficient method for generating home buyer leads.

9.4.2 - Social Media Ads Hot Lead Generation

Hot leads are actively seeking a real estate agent in your area.

Social media ads aren't efficient for targeting hot leads for two reasons:

First, you can't specifically target hot leads as with Google PPC Ads.

Second, you rely on them clicking or engaging with your post, remembering your phone number, or taking action.

Social media is like a crowded billboard, similar to driving in traffic. With so much happening on social media feeds, it's hard to capture attention.

That's why social media ads aren't efficient for generating hot leads.

9.4.3 - Social Media Ads Seller Lead Generation

Social media ads are the best online lead generation source to target seller leads due to geographical targeting in their algorithms.

First, identify homeowner and seller interests, such as channels and interests related to real estate, home ownership, staging, moving guides, etc., and target those keywords and interests with your ad.

But what type of ad creative generates the most seller leads?

Not the ones like “sell your home in less than 14 days” type of ads.

They are too salesy, and people don’t like dealing with salespeople.

Remember the real estate lead magnet concept?

We need to have lead magnets upfront to create ad creatives to attract potential sellers such as:

After obtaining lead magnets, now we need to have specific creative offers to generate seller leads from social media ads like:

For example, in the home valuation case, we have two separate ad creatives such as:

1st Ad Creative (During Seller’s market):

seller lead generation first ad creative

2nd Ad Creative (During Buyer’s market):

seller lead generation second ad creative

Why do we have two different but similar ad creatives for social media ads to generate seller leads?

Words change depending on housing market conditions in your local market.

During a seller's market, we emphasize the increasing rate in home prices, which is an alarming factor that prompts homeowners to consider selling their homes.

During a buyer's market, we emphasize the change but without giving more details. Instead, we hook their attention and drive it towards the description.

The reason we use housing market conditions in our creatives is that market changes evoke scarcity and urgency emotions, encouraging action to avoid missing out on the best deals.

This approach makes these creatives stand out from the rest.

Another factor is that these ads are not salesy; instead, they focus on providing value upfront, such as:

Learn your home’s accurate value for free to get the best deals.

Through these efforts, we have found that social media ads are an efficient lead generation method for generating seller leads.

9.5 - Organic SEO case

First, identify popular keywords in your market using a keyword planner tool.

Let's explore three common scenarios where popular keywords are likely present in your market.

In the first scenario, your prospects search for homes daily using these terms:

  • [city] homes for sale
  • houses for sale in [city]
  • Open houses in [city]
  • Homes with pool in [city]
  • Condos in [city]
  • [city] [neighborhood] homes for sale
  • [city] new homes
  • New construction homes for sale in [city]
  • Luxury homes in [city]
  • Homes under 300k in [city]
  • 3 bedroom homes for sale in [city]
  • [city] single family houses for sale
  • Pending listings [city]
  • Sold homes in [city]

In the second scenario, your prospects search for more information about your market using these terms:

  • [city] neighborhoods
  • Best neighborhoods in [city]
  • The housing market in [city]
  • [city] real estate market in [year]
  • Housing market report in [city]
  • [year] real estate market predictions in [city]
  • Things to do in [city] on weekends
  • Real estate agent in [city]
  • Realtor in [city]
  • Real estate brokerage in [city],
  • How much is my house worth [city]
  • What is my home worth [city]
  • [city] home valuation
  • Amenities, Schools, Walk Scores, Job Market, etc. in [city]

In the third scenario, your prospects search for real estate materials to learn more about the home buying and selling processes using these terms:

  • How to increase my home’s value
  • Home staging guides and tips
  • Curb appeal tips
  • Home inspection tips
  • How to apply for a mortgage
  • Improving credit score for a mortgage
  • Relocation guide
  • Best places to move
  • [any topic related] home buying and selling processes

Once you've identified the keywords, prioritize enhancing the technical SEO of your pages using both on-page and off-page SEO strategies to improve their ranking on Google's first page.

Expand the number of website pages that rank on Google to increase incoming traffic from potential clients.

Capture and convert this traffic by offering lead magnets on your landing pages.

>> Explore our demo website to see on-page SEO best practices.

9.5.1 - Programmatic SEO Approach in Real Estate

Design a page layout and generate multiple pages with various keywords based on that layout.

Repeat the target keyword for each dedicated page, aiming to rank them on Google.

Programmatic SEO example: "Luxury homes for sale in Roseville, CA"

  • Write an introduction by repeating the target keyword with its variations:
real estate seo optimized content to generate leads
  • Make sure to optimize images for SEO:
real estate seo optimized image to generate leads
  • Display luxury homes for sale in your MLS:
real estate lead magnets to genereate leads
  • Capture the contact information of your visitors with a popup screen:
real estate popup screen to generate leads

Apply the same practices to types of homes, neighborhoods, and blog pages as well, for every keyword. - Programmatic SEO Case Study Video - SEO Results Case Study from the Demo Website

Want similar results?

>> Start from here.

9.6 - Organic Social Media Case

Just look at how much content is published on each platform daily:

  • Facebook – 350 million
  • Instagram – 95 million
  • Twitter – 500 million
  • LinkedIn – 2 million
  • YouTube – 216 million
  • TikTok – 23 million

Between those 6 social networks, over 1.1 billion new pieces of content are being published.

That’s why social media doesn’t get as much engagement as you may want.

To make matters worse, in the last 30 days, the data shows that 5,204,391 social media posts, and 59.41% of them had no engagement.

No likes, no shares, no comments.

To create content that stands out from the crowd, you should focus on these aspects:

  • Post something new and fresh that people haven’t seen.
  • Don’t be afraid to have your own opinion, it makes your content stand out.
  • Provide value, from education to stats and data, and make sure people walk away with something.
  • Only leverage trends when it is related to the real estate industry.
  • Collaborate with other real estate agents within your space (it will amplify your reach even if they don’t have tons of followers).

9.6.1 - Real Estate Branding

There are two distinct approaches you should define before starting to grow your brand on social media.

First, identify a branding strategy that fits your lifestyle.

The chosen branding strategy will affect both your profile and content creation strategy.

If you don’t know which branding you should go with, check out this blog post.

In real estate, you have two unique branding options to choose from before building your profile and posting content:

  • Personal real estate agent brand
  • Business real estate agency brand - Building Social Media Profiles for Your Personal Real Estate Agent Brand

There are various social media platforms so that we won’t delve into each one.

Instead, let's explore the general rules that can be applied to all social media platforms.

First, build your profile according to how personal brands are established.

  • Use a profile photo with your face.
  • Write a description of yourself.
  • Your real estate services.
  • Your offer with a call-to-action (CTA).
  • Pin highlights such as "Mom Life", "Links", and "Youtube."

Make sure to blend your highlights with both your business and your lifestyle.

Your profiles should look like this:

real estate agent social media lead generation profile - Personal Branding Social Media Content Strategy
  • Use a profile photo with your face.
  • Write a description of yourself.
  • Your real estate services.
  • Your offer with a call-to-action (CTA).
  • Pin highlights such as "Mom Life", "Links", and "Youtube."

Posting only real estate content will bore your audience.

Humans are social creatures, so your audience will establish a bond with content that includes unique lifestyle elements, such as your journeys, family, behind-the-scenes, funny moments, and dramas.

Since you are not only an influencer but rather a real estate agent brand, it's important to also focus on real estate content to establish authority and credibility for your brand.

Your real estate-related content should cover industry news, live Q&As, polls, offers, testimonials, giveaways, podcasts, buying and selling tips, market updates, neighborhood guides, interest rates, upcoming homes, open houses, listed homes, sold homes, price changes, etc.

Combining both approaches will attract new audiences and retain your existing audiences. - Building Social Media Profiles for Your Business Real Estate Agency Brand

First, build your profile according to how personal brands are established:

  • Use your business logo as the profile picture.
  • Description of your business.
  • Your real estate services.
  • Your offer with a call-to-action (CTA).
  • Pin highlights such as "Our Team," "Testimonials," and "Tips."

Make sure to blend your highlights with both business and lifestyle.

Your profiles should look like this:

real estate agency social media lead generation profile - Business Branding Social Media Content Strategy

If you want to go the business route, then your content should be more business-focused and less personal-focused.

That doesn’t mean you should ignore lifestyle content.

Quite the opposite, you should showcase the lifestyle of your team instead of your own self.

This includes each team member’s background and personality, behind-the-scenes, funny moments, and dramas.

Alongside that, don't forget about real estate content, such as industry news, hosting Q&As, polls, offers, giveaways, testimonials, team podcasts, buying and selling tips, market updates, neighborhood guides, interest rates, upcoming homes, open houses, listed homes, sold homes, price changes, etc.

Combining both approaches will attract new audiences and retain your existing audiences.

9.6.2 - Omnichannel Content Strategy

omnichannel lead generation method in real estate

If you also have a YouTube channel, be sure to repurpose your long-form video content into multiple short-form clips, reels, shorts, etc., optimized for the respective social media platforms.

The goal is to capture their attention with a short-form clip and drive them to your long-form YouTube video.

Likewise, if you have a blog, repurpose your long-form content into short-form image posts, carousels, tweets, etc., optimized for social media platforms.

The goal is to capture their attention and drive them to your long-form blog post.

This is known as an omnichannel strategy in digital marketing.

By expanding your presence across multiple platforms, we aim to maximize exposure and enhance credibility.

9.6.3 - Promotional Content Strategy

Paying for real estate channels and influencers with a large following to showcase your offer on social media.

The best practice is to
avoid this method when you have much better investment options available.

(NOT RECOMMENDED): An alternative approach is to find a content creator with a large following related to real estate, then ask them to review your content and consider showcasing your offer on their platform.

However, the alternative approach may not be ideal for investment because most content creators demand a high fee and only publish a single post to show your offer to their own audience, who are unfamiliar with you.

As a result, you may gain some followers, which could contribute to your brand, but it's not an effective method for establishing credibility or closing more deals.

You can advertise on social media by targeting a better audience over a longer period of time rather than a single shot.

It's risky and not a good investment to show a single post to a cold audience.

9.7 - Organic YouTube Case

youtube real estate lead generation source

The best practice is to prioritize YouTube growth only once you already have a steady flow of leads from other sources but aim to enhance your brand presence.

Now, let's explore how to grow subscribers and increase engagement on your real estate YouTube channel.

9.7.1 - Purchase Best Equipments


  • iPhone 13 Pro Max: Offers excellent video quality and stabilization features.
  • Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra: Known for its high-resolution camera capabilities and versatile shooting modes.

DSLR or Mirrorless Camera:

  • Canon EOS R5: A top choice for professional-quality videos with its 8K video recording capabilities and excellent autofocus.
  • Sony Alpha a7 III: Known for its superb low-light performance and excellent autofocus for capturing sharp videos.

Gimbal Stabilizer:

  • DJI OM 4: Offers smooth and stable footage for handheld shots, compatible with smartphones.
  • Zhiyun Crane 2S: Ideal for heavier DSLR or mirrorless cameras, providing professional-grade stabilization.

External Microphone:

  • Rode VideoMic Pro+: Offers superior audio quality with its shotgun microphone design and built-in shock mount.
  • Sennheiser MKE 400: Compact and lightweight shotgun microphone with excellent sound clarity for on-the-go shooting.

Tripod or Monopod:

  • Manfrotto PIXI Mini Tripod: Portable and versatile tripod for stable shots, perfect for vlogging.
  • Joby GorillaPod 5K Kit: Flexible tripod with bendable legs for capturing shots from various angles.


  • Neewer 660 LED Video Light: Dimmable and adjustable LED light panel for illuminating subjects evenly.
  • Godox SL-60W LED Video Light: Provides powerful and adjustable lighting for indoor or outdoor shooting.

9.7.2 - Video Content Ideas

youtube real estate lead generation source
  • "Pros & Cons of Living in X": Explore the advantages and disadvantages of residing in a specific city, covering factors such as cost of living, climate, amenities, and job opportunities.
  • "DON’T MOVE TO X!!!": A bold and attention-grabbing title that delves into the reasons why moving to a particular city might not be advisable, highlighting potential challenges or drawbacks.
  • "5 Things I WISH I Knew BEFORE Moving to X": Share personal insights and experiences about relocating to a specific city, offering valuable advice and tips for prospective movers based on your own journey.
  • "Top 5 Neighborhoods To Live in X": Showcase the best neighborhoods within a city, discussing factors such as safety, affordability, school districts, and lifestyle amenities to help viewers make informed decisions about where to live.
  • "What $1,000,000 Gets You in X TODAY": Take viewers on a virtual tour of homes or properties available for $1,000,000 in the city, providing insights into the local real estate market and showcasing different housing options within this price range.
  • "CITY Neighborhood Tour: NEIGHBORHOOD": Provide an in-depth tour of a specific neighborhood within the city, highlighting its unique features, landmarks, attractions, and residential areas to give viewers a sense of what it's like to live there.
  • "A Day in the Life: Living in X": Offer a glimpse into a typical day in the life of a resident in the city, showcasing daily routines, activities, and experiences to give viewers a feel for the local lifestyle.
  • "X City Guide: Must-Visit Attractions and Hidden Gems": Highlight the top tourist attractions, cultural sites, and off-the-beaten-path destinations in the city, providing viewers with recommendations for places to explore and things to do.
  • "Cost of Living Comparison: X vs. Other Cities": Compare the cost of living in the city with that of other cities or regions, discussing factors such as housing prices, transportation costs, utilities, and grocery expenses to help viewers understand the affordability of living in the area.
  • "Moving to X: Essential Tips for New Residents": Share practical advice and essential tips for individuals or families planning to relocate to the city, covering topics such as finding housing, navigating the local market, and settling into the community.
  • "X City Real Estate Market Update: Current Trends and Insights": Provide an overview of the current real estate market conditions in the city, discussing trends, statistics, and market insights to help buyers, sellers, and investors stay informed about the local housing market.
  • "Exploring X: Outdoor Activities and Recreation": Showcase the outdoor recreational opportunities available in the city, including parks, trails, beaches, and recreational facilities, to highlight the city's natural beauty and leisure options.

9.7.3 - Editing Softwares

  • Adobe Premiere Pro: A professional-grade video editing software with a wide range of features, including advanced color grading, audio editing, and motion graphics capabilities.
  • Final Cut Pro X: Exclusive to Mac users, Final Cut Pro X offers powerful editing tools, an intuitive interface, and seamless integration with other Apple devices and software.
  • DaVinci Resolve: A comprehensive editing software that also includes color correction, audio post-production, and visual effects capabilities. It offers a free version with robust features and a paid Studio version with even more advanced tools.
  • iMovie: A user-friendly editing software available for Mac and iOS devices, iMovie offers basic editing features and templates, making it ideal for beginners or those on a budget.

9.7.4 - Channel Branding

Here is an example of YouTube channel branding from our real estate demo channel:

>> Click here to view the Demo Channel.

9.7.5 - Video Description

Here is an example of a YouTube video description for creating local keyword-focused videos to increase the organic YouTube search rankings of your video:

real estate youtube channel description to generate leads

9.8 - YouTube Ads Case

YouTube Ads require a captivating video with good engagement to start with.

That means you must also meet the requirements for organic YouTube growth upfront to start with YouTube Ads effectively.

The best practice is to avoid this method when you have much better investment options available.

9.9 - Google Local Services Ads Case

Google Local Services ads, visible at the top of search results, appear in groups of three, preceding Google PPC ads and organic SEO results.

real estate lead generation lsa snippet

Each listing features the business name, Google star rating, years in business, service area, phone number, and current availability status.

Your profile snippet in the results prompts viewers to click for more details if interested.

real estate lead generation lsa details

This page displays an overview of your business, including services, service areas, and license information, along with Google reviews at the bottom.

It offers essential details to engage your audience and prompt them to contact or message your real estate company for further information.

real estate lead generation lsa more options

Alternatively, users can explore additional real estate agents by clicking the "more real estate agents" button.

real estate lead generation lsa filtering

Visitors can filter agents by service type and zip code, allowing them to easily locate the ideal real estate professional for their needs, whether they're seeking buyer's or seller's agents.

9.9.1 - How Much Does Google Local Services Ads Cost for Real Estate Agents

Google Local Services ads for real estate agents operate on a cost-per-contact model, meaning you pay only when someone contacts you through the ad.

Costs range from $6 to $30 per lead, depending on factors like location and lead type.

Google ensures you never exceed your budget and charges only for valid leads, such as texts, emails, or calls resulting in voicemails or conversations.

Invalid leads or ad clicks do not incur charges.

9.9.2 - What Are the Best Practices to Run Google Local Services Ads

There are upfront requirements that need to be fulfilled to achieve better results from Google local services ads. - Obtain the Google Guarantee Badge
real estate lead generation lsa google guaranteed badge

The badge, a green checkmark seen in Local Services ads, signifies trust in your real estate agency.

To obtain this badge, you must pass a background check and provide insurance and licensing info.

As long as you have all this information available and updated, you’ll get your Google Guarantee badge.

What happens when you receive this badge?

The Google Guarantee badge acts as a safety net for clients.

If they hire your real estate agency and are dissatisfied with the work, they can claim up to $2000 back.

Clients have 20 days to file a claim, but certain issues like pricing dissatisfaction, cancellations, or lack of communication aren't eligible for claims against your real estate business.

By delivering quality services, you can avoid concerns about clients filing claims. Instead, the badge becomes a symbol of trust for your audience. - Amass 5-Star Google Reviews

This prevents wasting leads that may not convert due to credibility issues.

Combine lead nurturing strategies with Google PPC ads until you amass your 5-star reviews.

Then, slowly transition to Google Local Services Ads while maintaining other lead generation methods.

10 - How to Outsource the Entire Real Estate Marketing Process

If you work with us, you won't need to build any of these; we can tailor them specifically for your market and brand.

You will have access to our all-in-one marketing service, ensuring you are overloaded with clients. You may even need to hire additional agents to increase your capacity, eventually transforming your operation into a full-fledged business.

Unlike "the gurus" you might encounter on social media channels, we deliver tangible results with our blueprint rather than testing your patience.

You will receive all the digital marketing services at a fixed price without additional advertisement costs or extra fees.

>> Consult us for pricing and learn more about our all-in-one marketing services.

This a reminder that our all-in-one real estate service has limited availability due to our current capacity, with only 5 seats left.

Once filled, we will not accept any more agents. If you are interested, fill out the form to secure your spot.

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Realest Marketer is an online digital marketing agency that exclusively assists real estate agents, teams, and brokerages in establishing & enhancing their brands and achieving growth through our advanced and fully automated lead generation and nurturing methods.



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